Expecting a baby in Japan? In this blog article, we will be taking a look at various useful vocabulary words in Japanese related to pregnancy and childbirth!
We will also be sharing with you some information about giving birth in Tokyo, such as: what being pregnant in Japan is like, a list of English-friendly hospitals in Tokyo and some information about childbirth financial aid in Japan.
- Going to a Hospital in Japan
- The Complete List of Japanese Hospital-related Vocabulary
- Guide to Going to a Gynecologist in Japan
Key Vocabulary for Pregnancy and Childbirth
General Terms
Below is a table of general medical words you may need to know when going for a medical checkup in Japan.

Pregnancy in Japan – General Terms vocabulary list
Japanese | Pronunciation | English |
産婦人科 | Sanfujinka | Obstetrics and Gynecology |
病院 | Byouin | Hospital |
訪問時間 | Houmon jikan | Visiting hours |
医者 | Isha | Doctor |
看護師 | Kangoshisan | Nurse |
助産師 | Josanshi | Midwife |
妊娠 | Ninshin | Pregnancy |
妊婦 | Ninpu | Pregnant Woman |
分娩 | Bunben | Delivery |
入院 | Nyuuin | Admission |
定期検診 | Teiki Kenshin | Regular Checkup |
血液型 | Ketsueki Gata | Blood Type |
体重 | Taijuu | Weight |
身長 | Shinchou | Height |
体温 | Taion | Body Temperature |
血圧 | Ketsuatsu | Blood Pressure |
Pregnancy & Childbirth
The table below consists of common terms used during pregnancy and childbirth in Japanese!

Pregnancy in Japan – Pregnancy and Childbirth vocabulary list
Japanese | Pronunciation | English |
最終月経 | Saishuu Gekkei | Last menstrual period |
胎児 | Taiji | Fetus |
胎児心音 | Taiji Shinon | Fetal heartbeat |
胎動 | Taidou | Fetal movement |
超音波検査 | Chouonpa kensa | Ultrasound examination |
分娩予定日 | Bunben yoteibi | Estimated date of delivery |
つわり | Tsuwari | Morning sickness |
痛い | Itai | Painful |
陣痛 | Jintsuu | Labor pain |
頭痛 | Zutsu | Headache |
はきけ | Hakike | Nausea |
背中が痛い | Senaka ga itai | My back hurts |
出血 | Shukketsu | Bleeding |
注射 | Chusha | Injection |
麻酔 | Masui | Anesthetic |
分娩室 | Bunben shitsu | Delivery room |
帝王切開 | Teiou sekkai | C-section |
経腟分娩 | Keichitsu bunben | Vaginal delivery |
へその緒 | Heso no o | Umbilical cord |
いきんでください | Ikindekudasai | Please push |
マタニティーマーク | Mataniti maku | Pregnancy Badge |
母子健康手帳 | Boshi kenkou techou | Health book for mother and child |
The Baby
This table includes words and sentences in Japanese you can use after giving birth to your baby!

Pregnancy in Japan – Baby vocabulary list
Japanese | Pronunciation | English |
赤ちゃん | Akachan | Baby |
双子 | Futago | Twins |
出生証明書 | Shussei shoumeisho | Birth certificate |
新生児室 | Shinseiji shitsu | Nursery |
赤ちゃんにあえますか。 | Akachan ni aemasuka | ‘May I see my baby?’ |
赤ちゃんを抱っこしてもいいですか。 | Akachan o dakko shitemo iidesuka | ‘May I hold my baby?’ |
ミルク | Miruku | Formula |
人工栄養 | Jinkou eiyou | Bottle feeding |
母乳 | Bonyuu | Breast milk |
母乳栄養 | Bonyuu eiyou | Breast feeding |
母乳をあげたいです | Bonyuu o agetaidesu | ‘I want to breast feed.’ |
授乳室はどこですか? | Jyunyushitsu wa doko desuka? | ‘Where is the nursing room?’ |
Being Pregnant in Japan
In Japan, the locals see pregnancy as a period for women to discipline themselves both mentally and physically. There is a huge “gaman” culture, which translates to ‘enduring’ or ‘bearing with it’. Hence, most Japanese women choose to give birth ‘naturally’ and not receive any kind of pain relief at all.
As a matter of fact, pain relief such as anesthetic is not a common thing at all in Japanese hospitals. So if you are looking to receive pain relief during your pregnancy and/or childbirth, do make sure to double-check with your hospital!
Did you know that in Japan, fathers are not always permitted at birth? In some hospitals, fathers are required to wait in the waiting room while the mother gives birth in the delivery room. This is because having the father present during birth can be distracting to the doctor. Though it may be a different case in every hospital, this is a good point to note when choosing the hospital you wish to deliver at!

Maternity Mark keyring
In Japan, all expectant mothers are able to receive a Maternity Mark keyring from Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. This keyring is for showing strangers that special care should be given to you. For example, giving up a seat on the train or refraining from smoking near you.
English-friendly Hospitals in Tokyo
If you are finding for a hospital in Tokyo with services provided in English, rest assured that there are a couple in Tokyo which you can choose from!
Below we have included a list of some English-friendly hospitals in Tokyo.
- Aiiku Hospital
- Japanese Red Cross Medical Center
- Sanno Hospital
- Jikei Hospital, Women’s and Children’s Center
- Seibo International Catholic Hospital
- St Luke’s International Hospital
Financial Aid for Childbirth in Japan
If you are ensured by Japan’s National Health Insurance (NHI) or employed by a company in Japan, you are entitled to receive Japanese insurance benefits.
The government provides a lump sum called ‘Childbirth and Childcare Lump Sum Grant’ worth 420,000 yen, which can be used to cover the costs of giving birth.
Also, the government provides child allowance, at 15,000 yen per month until the age of three, and 10,000 yen per child per month until the third year of high school.