It is a known fact that the Japanese have the highest lifespan expectancy globally due to their healthcare system. With high technological advancement, Japan offers superior medical services to patients.
Japanese vocabulary can be difficult to learn, but practice makes perfect. This is part one of our ongoing pharmacy and hospital vocabulary cheat sheet so make sure you continue part two.
- Going to a Hospital in Japan
- All You Need to Know About Pregnancy in Japan
- Guide to Going to a Gynecologist in Japan
Here are some words commonly used in a hospital:
Japanese | Pronunciation | Meaning |
クリニック | kurinikku | clinic |
病院 | びょういん byouin | hospital |
受付 | うけつけ uketsuke | reception |
予約 | よやく yoyaku | reservation |
診察室 | しんさつしつ shinsatsushitsu | examination room |
医者 | いしゃ isha | doctor |
看護師 | かんごし kangoshi | nurse |
保険証 | ほけんしょう hokensho | insurance card |
診察券 | しんさつけん shinsatuken | patient’s registration card |
体温計 | たいおんけい taionkei | thermometer |
絆創膏 | ばんそうこう bansōkō | band-aid |
処方箋 | しょほうせん shohousen | prescription |
薬 | くすり kusuri | medicine |
注射 | ちゅうしゃ chuusha | injection |
ワクチン | wakuchin | vaccine |
血液検査 | けつえきけんさ ketsuekikensa | blood test |
処置 | しょち shochi | treatment |
麻酔 | ますい masui | anesthesia |
アレルギー | arerugī | allergies |
Example Sentences
Here is how those words can be used in conversational sentences:
Example 1:
By saying: ‘診察をお願いします。’
Pronunciation: shinsatsu wo onegaishimasu.
It means: ‘I would like to have a medical examination.’
Example 2:
By saying: ‘診察券と保険証を出して、順番にお待ちください。’
Pronunciation: shinsatsu to hokenshou wo dashite, junban ni omachikudasai
It means: ‘Please provide your registration and insurance card and wait for your turn.’