Our students have asked for our help to understand how to rent bicycles in Tokyo recently. We wrote this guide as a tool that they can use to have fun while getting around.
- Registering for a Docomo Tokyo Sharecycle Account
- Registering your IC card for use with Tokyo Sharecycle
- Renting and riding the share cycle
- Returning the bike
- Pricing
To register your Tokyo Bicycle Sharing Account
- Go to the registration page – https://tcc.docomo-cycle.jp/cycle/TYO/cs_web_main.php
- Fill out the registration form and enter your credit card.
- Confirm your email via the automatic email confirmation that is sent.
- Login

From within this home screen you will be able to change your billing information and update your personal information. Including changing your monthly plan or daypass charges.
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Obtaining a 4 digit pass code to unlock the bike.
You can choose either choose from port – or select a bike. Select a bike is much easier as you just need to type in the bike’s Number. (To find the number of the bicycle) You can find the bike # directly below the keypad on the back wheel of the bicycle.
Enter this bike # into the bike # unlock and confirm – you will be sent a 4 digit unlock code.
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You can also use your IC (suica,passmo) transportation card to rent bicycles by registering it with an 8 digit passcode. After you register your ic card you can use it as a key for all share bikes.
This is much easier than having to use the app to select a bike every time.
Click on correction under Membership Information – then on the bottom next to the submit button click on the membership card registration. Then click submit.

You will be sent an 8 digit code via your registered email that you can use to register the card through the bike keypad. Once you have the 8 digit code – there is a keypad on the back of the back wheel of the bike.
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Unlocking and Renting the Bike (IC Card or 4 Digit Pass)
Press the start button on the keypad – it will ask for either your 4 digit unlock code or you can use your ic card by pressing it and holding it against the keypad.
After you touch the ic card to the bike – the bike will unlock and you will be able to ride it. If you would like to temporarily lock the bike – just manually push down on the bike lock.

Returning the Bike

To return the bike – park the bike into the designated station wheelhouse and manually push down on the bike lock. After that push the enter button on the keypad as in the image below.
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