What is the best Japanese School in Tokyo or Yokohama?
Do you have a busy schedule? Then you need a school that can offer flexibility.
There are many different types of Japanese Language Schools in Tokyo and Yokohama – and they offer varied services based on need.
Do you need to learn a specific type of vocabulary? Then you need a school that can offer customization.
As an ex-pat – you will need a Japanese language school that can help you make changes to your class schedule.
At many Japanese schools – they will only offer set course times that have terms ranging from 3 months to 1 year. You will study with 20-40 other students in a large class – doing exercises out of a textbook. Then you will take an exam.
This is not what you need.
At Coto – we understand that you are likely juggling a life in Japan alongside your classes.
That is why we provide a flexible scheduling system allowing you to cancel if needed.
With us you can pause your lessons if you fall too far behind. You can also restart when the timing is right.
It is our mission to work with you to achieve your learning goals.
What you should be learning depends on who you are and what your long term goals for living in Japan are.
Do you want to live in Japan long term? Do you want to travel in Japan?
Your goals will decide what you should be learning. What you should be learning will decide the school you attend.
For Beginners:
As an ex-pat in Tokyo – learning Japanese grammar is not your first priority.
You want to learn enough Japanese to be able to handle yourself in day-to-day tasks in Tokyo.
- This means things like:
- Shopping at the Supermarket
- Taking a taxi in Tokyo
- Visiting a store and shopping for clothing
- Taking the Tokyo Metro / Japan Rail Trains
- Talking about emergencies and visiting the hospital if necessary
- Using the telephone to make a reservation in Japanese
So depending on the textbook that you use – it can make a big difference about your experience at the school.
At Coto – we provide our own textbook for complete beginners called Nihongo Fun and Easy I and II. This textbook is simple to use and does not rely on kanji or teaching grammar. It provides you with “real world” examples so that you can use what you learn right away.
Speak like a native!
Conversation style helps students learn natural sounding Japanese.
Learn what interests you!
Different situations, topics and phrases mean you can learn according to your interests.
Flexible, Practical, and Relevant
Independent grammar and real life situation study sections allows you the flexibility to study what is most relevant for you.
Practice, Practice, and More Practice!
Lots of practice exercises in each unit to help students learn natural phrases and expressions.
For Intermediate / Advanced Learners
If you have studied Japanese before and are working in Japan. There is a possibility that you need help with your Business Japanese and Keigo.
You can self-study kanji at this point and add to your vocabulary. What you need is an instructor that understands how to explain clearly.
Coto employs business Japanese instructors that can explain the small differences. They will work with you to instill good habits.
This will help you to speak professionally and sound natural.
If you are studying after work – you will want a comfortable space that can help you to relax before and after class.
At Coto – we provide 3 student lounges with complimentary wifi and coffee / tea.
Our quiet study spaces function as a library where we also have free reading resources.
Our Japanese School’s Locations
Located 1 minute from Iidabashi station. It takes less than 20 minutes to get to any major station such as – Shibuya, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Ikebukuro
This is much better than walking 20 minutes after traveling 45 minutes on the train.
So to recap – when choosing a Japanese school it is important to look at
- Flexibility of Schedule
- Do the contents match your needs?
- Are the facilities comfortable?
- Is the location convenient?
If you factor these issues in to your choice of a Japanese school – you will be able to study successfully.
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