Student Story – Caleb – Day Trader

What brought you to Japan originally?

I first came to japan when I was transferred with work in 1997 – My first time to Japan I lived here for three and a half years – where I met my wife.  After that I moved back to New York and lived there for 13 years.  My Job got made redundant through a downsizing – so we decided to move back to asia. Originally Singapore for three years and then back to Japan.

What are you currently doing in Japan?

Currently working as a day-trader mainly working in equities and futures. Would like to eventually have some 3rd party employment – but finance and banking are much smaller in Japan post 3/11 Earthquake.

Why are you learning Japanese?

I live in Japan and I use Japan as a base to market to the rest of Asia, so I need enough Japanese to converse with colleagues about deal structures and pricing.  Japan is an exciting place right now in terms of financial technology.  Cryptocurrency in particular – the JFSA has been very progressive in their dealings with operations in the space so learning Japanese would give me the ability to jump into that environment.

Have you studied Japanese before?

I studied in Japan and Singapore but the Japan experience was quite dated and I wasn’t using it – so I had forgotten most of it.  Almost all of it was gone from the memory banks.  Many of the international bond investment teams at banks in Tokyo speak English – but in order to get an interview – there is a baseline level of Japanese that is required for Jobs in that area.

How did you hear about Coto Japanese Academy? Why did you choose to study Japanese at Coto?

I heard about Coto through chance on a web search.  I looked at many schools in Tokyo and had several recommendations from friends about more “Established” programs that were very serious academically.
With the increased number of foreigners in Japan there’s a tremendous need for Japanese language study so most of the schools that I had heard about or was referred to by friends were actually full by the time I applied.  The number of young overseas students who are studying in hopes of entering university have filled up most of the schools that I visited and it was very hard to get a spot.
Originally I chose to study at Coto for only a few lessons until the next class schedule opened up in one of the more traditional “bootcamp” style schools. What attracted me originally was the flexible scheduling – and I looked at it as a way to review before I entered “bootcamp”.  But I liked it so much, and it fit my needs so well that I ended up staying.

How has your experience been studying Japanese at Coto?  Did it match your initial expectations?

It matched as advertised, but I will say that the intensive course was very draining for me personally as a student.  What is great about Coto is that if you need to – flexible scheduling and make up scheduling is available.  With this – a student doesn’t just get left behind if they need to take a break to recharge or catch up on a concept that they are having trouble with.
I would highly recommend Coto Japanese Academy to anyone who wants a language school that offers personalized learning.
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