Have you ever wanted to learn Japanese, but cannot seem to find the right time? Rest assured, our in-person part-time lessons offer a variety of lessons in the evening for busy individuals that have to balance between work and studying.
We offer a wide array of levels from beginner to advanced courses that help students to pass the JLPT N3 exam.
What’s great about taking the Part-time evening courses is that on top of being able to choose the most suitable Japanese level, you can also select a Part-time course, depending on the main objective of the lessons. For example, if you think you have a good understanding of Japanese vocabulary but struggle with understanding Keigo, you can choose to enroll in a variety of courses between Natural and Fluent Japanese communication to Business Japanese.
Japanese is a beautiful language but in order to maintain that the language is very polite as well. Due to the levels of seniority within the Japanese language, it may be challenging to understand the usage of the formal Japanese language. If you want to improve in this specific area, with our Part-time course, you can the course to enroll, based on the class objective. By attending our Part-time lessons, you can build up your general Japanese skills, but in specific areas, you want to target as well.
Our Part-time course does not have a specific start or end date. It’s flexible, meaning you can organize your lessons for it to be short-term or long-term learning. The classes have a maximum limit of 8 people so that lessons remain interactive and the teacher-to-student ratio makes it more approachable for students to ask any questions.
What type of Part-time courses are available in the evenings?
Beginner level
Practical Japanese for Beginners:
You will start by learning Japanese skills for everyday use. Since you’ll be studying vocabulary for times and places, as well as basic grammar, you’ll be able to create simple sentences by yourself.
Tokyo – Iidabashi | Yokohama |
Mon: 19:10 – 21:00 Tue: 19:10 – 21:00 Wed: 19:10 – 21:00 Thu: 19:10 – 21:00 | Mon: 19:10 – 21:00 Wed: 19:10 – 21:00 |
Active Basic Japanese Grammar A&B
To be able to communicate in Japanese and the goal is that you’ll be able to to use basic conjugated forms and speak naturally.
Tokyo – Iidabashi | Yokohama |
Mon: 19:10 – 21:00 Tue: 19:10 – 21:00 Wed: 19:10 – 21:00 Thu: 19:10 – 21:00 | Mon: 19:10 – 21:00 Wed: 9:10 – 11:00 |
Upper beginner
Effective drill training
This class is perfect, if you want to build on your quick-response ability and confidence. Students use a series of specially designed drills and speaking training to improve their communication ability.
Tokyo Iidabashi only |
Mon: 19:10 – 20:00 Wed: 19:10 – 20:00 |
Conversation Level-up
You’ll be able to convey your wishes, ask for permission while giving a reason, study assumptive expressions and express your feelings or things that happened more accurately.
Tokyo Iidabashi only |
Mon: 20:10 – 21:00 Wed: 20:10 – 21:00 |
Essential Grammar and Conversation
In this class you will practice making conversation about a variety of topics. You will improve your vocabulary and ability to converse smoothly.
Tokyo – Iidabashi | Yokohama |
Mon: 19:10 – 21:00 Tue: 19:10 – 21:00 Wed: 19:10 – 21:00 Thu: 19:10 – 21:00 Fri: 19:10 – 21:00 | Tue: 19:10 – 21:00 Thu: 19:10 – 21:00 |
Intermediate To Advanced
Bridge to Intermediate
This course focuses on the core basic sentence patterns, improving vocabulary for a variety of daily situations, and building longer sentences through combinations. The class enables students to apply and make the most of these abilities.
Tokyo – Iidabashi | Yokohama |
Tue: 19:10 – 21:00 Thu: 19:10 – 21:00 | Tue: 19:10 – 21:00 Thu: 19:10 – 21:00 |
Natural and Fluent Japanese Communication 1 (JLPT N3)
The goal of this course is to acquire a broad spectrum of vocabulary and freely use it in numerous sentence patterns during conversations, so you’ll be able to speak about general things in Japanese only.
Tokyo – Iidabashi | Yokohama |
Mon: 19:10 – 21:00 Wed: 19:10 – 21:00 Thu: 19:10 – 21:00 | Tue: 19:10 – 21:00 Tue: 20:10 – 21:00 |
Natural and Fluent Japanese Communication 2 (JLPT N2)
The goal of this course is to acquire a broad spectrum of vocabulary and freely use it in numerous sentence patterns during conversations, so you’ll be able to speak about general things in Japanese only.
Tokyo Iidabashi only |
Wed: 20:10 – 21:00 |
Business Japanese
Learn the etiquette and vernacular of doing business in Japan. You will learn basic formal expressions (basic keigo), setting-specific expressions on business situation in Japan.
Tokyo Iidabashi | Yokohama |
Tue: 19:10 – 21:00 | Tue: 19:10 – 21:00 |
Japanese Explanation Training
We recommend this course for anyone who can communicate using only Japanese, but feel they have problems with detailed explanations.
Tokyo – Iidabashi | Yokohama |
Tue: 19:10-20:00 (Advanced) Wed: 19:10 – 20:00 (Upper Intermediate) Thu: 19:10 – 20:00 (Advanced) | Tue: 19:10 – 21:00 |
JLPT Courses
If you are planning to take the JLPT N3 exam in December, it’s very important to start studying for the exam, rather than cramming the night before. For students that wish to study for the exam, but cannot find the time to do so, attending our in-person lessons at the Tokyo Iidabashi school will be beneficial for you. Our Part-time courses cover all areas you would need to study to ace the exam.
After the completion of this course, you will be able to have the ability to understand Japanese used in many common everyday situations.
JLPT Level: N3
Tokyo Iidabashi only |
Tuesday – Grammar : 19:10 – 20:00 Textbook: 『TRY! 日本語能力試験 N3 文法から伸ばす日本語』 Thursday – Reading : 19:10 – 20:00 Textbook: Jan.-Jun.『実力アップ!日本語能力試験 N3 読む』/Jul.-Dec.『N3読解スピードマスター』 Tuesday – Reading : 20:10 – 21:00 Textbook: Jan.-Jun.『N3読解スピードマスター』/Jul.-Dec.『実力アップ!日本語能力試験 N3 読む』 Thursday – Grammar : 20:10 – 21:00 Textbook: 『TRY! 日本語能力試験 N3 文法から伸ばす日本語』 |
JLPT Level: N3
Tokyo Iidabashi only |
Monday – Reading : 19:10 – 20:00 Textbook: Jan.-Jun.『スピードマスター N3 読解』/Jul.-Dec.『実力アップ!日本語能力試験 N3 読む』 Monday – Grammar : 20:10 – 21:00 Textbook: 『TRY! 日本語能力試験 N3 文法から伸ばす日本語』 Tuesday – Grammar : 18:40 – 19:30 Textbook: 『新完全マスター 文法 日本語能力試験 N3』 Tuesday – Reading : 19:40 – 20:30 Textbook: Jan.-Jun.『実力アップ!日本語能力試験 N3 読む』/Jul.-Dec. 『新完全マスター 読解 日本語能力試験 N3』 Thursday – Reading : 19:10 – 20:00 Textbook: Jan.-Jun.『新完全マスター 読解 日本語能力試験 N3』/Jul.-Dec. 『スピードマスター N3 読解』 Thursday – Grammar : 20:10 – 21:00 Textbook: 『スピードマスター N3 文法』 |
Evening Part-Time Course Related FAQs
When can I join the part time Japanese courses?
You can apply to get your free Japanese consultation and join the part-time Japanese course at any time. Coto Academy has the most flexible schedule. You can checkout the course schedule here.
Where does Coto offer the part time courses?
You can find the part-time course at Yokohama, Kanagawa and at Iidabashi in central Tokyo. Both locations are very convenient to join, and they have many trains to line to allow you to commute smoothly.
How to study Japanese afterwork?
Japanese salary workers usually finish jobs after 6 pm. You can come to Coto Japanese Academy for night part-time Japanese classes in Tokyo and Iidabshi. Unlike many other Japanese schools, which close at 5 pm, Coto Japanese Academy opens until 9 pm.
Where can I study Japanese in Tokyo?
There are many Japanese schools and self-learning resources on the internet. However, if you want the best experience in learning Japanese in Tokyo, we recommend going to Coto Academy.
What is Coto Academy?
Coto Academy began in 2000 as a group of volunteer Japanese language teachers with a mission to help international residents in Japan. We wanted to teach Japanese daily that you wouldn’t learn from studying a textbook.