Do you want to pass the JLPT N4? Do you want to rapidly review for the exam and do a final check before you take it?
We are happy to announce that we will soon open our Rapid Review Online JLPT Courses for the N4 level of the JLPT!
If you are interested in taking a two-month review course for the December N4 please find the details below. (More information coming soon!)
Course Dates:
Early October – Early December
22,000 JPY / Month – (2 Online Classes per week)
This is a great course for those that want to do all they can to increase their chances of passing the N4.
These courses quickly review most of the knowledge covered on both exams in the two months prior to the test.
These courses will be conducted as “Rapid Review” meaning there will be a large amount of material covered at a fast pace.
Who are these courses good for?
These courses are good for students who have already studied in preparation – but would like to check their understanding and review / shore up their knowledge prior to the exam.
These courses are not good for students that would like to learn everything from zero as there is a lot of information covered in the course in a short amount of time.
Interested? Fill out the contact form below:
[contact-form-7 id=”39104″ title=”Inquiry Form_Online”]