Navigating the Japanese Banking System: A Guide for Expats and Travelers

Living or traveling in Japan requires navigating the local banking system. This blog will be your roadmap, outlining the essentials of opening a Japanese bank account, from required documents to helpful phrases and essential vocabulary for smoother communication.

A Quick Jump To…

Opening a Japanese Bank Account

Who can open an account?

Local and foreigners residing in Japan with valid visas (e.g., work, study, dependent) can open accounts. Tourist visas might have limitations.

What documents do you need?

Prepare your passport, residence card (在留カード zairyu card), or My Number card, and proof of address (utility bill, apartment lease) and possibly employer verification. With those, you can most likely open an account with a valid Japanese phone number and email address through the bank’s mobile app.

Choosing a bank

Consider your needs. Megabanks like Mizuho, Mitsubishi UFJ, and Mitsuisumitomo offer extensive networks but might have higher fees. Regional banks offer local convenience and lower fees but limited networks. Japan Post Bank is also one of the favourites as it is easy to open a bank account there; in other words, it is a more foreigner-friendly option! Online banks like Rakuten are fee-friendly but have limited physical presence. Each bank has different campaigns and requirements, so look through them carefully before choosing one! Especially when you also want to apply for their credit card services!

ゆうちょ銀行 Japan Post Bank

みずほ銀行 Mizuho

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三菱UFJ銀行 Mitsubishi UFJ


三井住友銀行 Mitsuisumitomo

Photo By

楽天銀行 Rakuten

Getting started

Visit your chosen bank with your documents if you do not want to apply online. Fill out the application forms (often available in English at larger banks). Don’t be afraid to ask for help navigating the paperwork. Expect an initial deposit, usually ¥10,000-¥30,000.

Useful Japanese Phrases

  • 銀行口座を作りたいんですが。 Ginkō kōza o tsukuritai ndesuga. – I would like to open a bank account.
  • 印鑑は必要ですか? Inkan wa hitsuyōdesu ka? – Is a seal required?
  • 外貨の両替ができますか。 Gaika no ryōgae ga dekimasu ka. – Can I exchange foreign currency?
  • ATMの場所を教えてください。 ATM no basho o oshietekudasai. – Please tell me the location of the ATM.
  • 普通預金口座がいいのですが。Futsu yokin kōza ga ii no desu ga. – I would like a checking account, please. 
  • 定期預金口座がいいのですが。Teiki yokin kōza ga ī nodesuga. – I would like a time deposit account, please. 
  • 口座開設には、どんな書類が必要でしょうか。Kōza kaisetsu ni wa, don’na shorui ga hitsuyōdeshou ka. – What documents do I need to open an account? 
  • キャッシュカードの発行手数料はいくらですか。Kyasshukādo no hakkō tesūryō wa ikuradesu ka. – What is the ATM card issuance fee?
  • 入出金の限度額はいくらですか。Nyūshukkin no gendo-gaku wa ikuradesu ka. – What is the deposit and withdrawal limit?
  • 金利はいくらつきますか。Kinri wa ikura tsukimasu ka. – What is the interest rate?

Essential Vocabulary

暗証番号あんしょうばんごうAnshō bangōPIN Code
お引出だし おひきだしO hiki dashiWithdrawal
残高照会ざんだかしょうかいZandaga shōkaiBalance Inquiry
お預入れおあずけいれO azuke ireDeposit
お振込おふりこみO furi komiMoney Transfer to Another Person’s Account
通帳記入つうちょうきにゅうTsūchō kinyūPassbook Update
お振替おふりかえO furi kaeMoney Transfer Between Accounts (Same Person)
口座名義こうざめいぎKouza meigiAccount Holder
金融機関名きんゆうきかんめいKinyū kikanmeiFinancial Institution/Bank Name
支店名してんめいShitenmeiBranch Name
店番てんばんTenbanBranch Code
預金種目よきんしゅもくYokinshumokuDeposit Type
口座番号こうざばんごうKōza bangōAccount Number
差引残高さしひきざんだかSashihiki zandakaRemaining Balance

Read this blog: How to Use a Japanese ATM – Kanji and Vocab for Using an ATM in Japanese – FULL GUIDE for more information regarding ATMs in Japan.

You Might Be Wondering…

Do I need a Japanese phone number?

Some banks require it for online banking access, but not all.

Are there fees for withdrawing money?

ome banks charge fees for using ATMs outside their network.

Can I send money internationally?

Yes, most banks offer international money transfer services.

How can I access my account online?

Most banks offer online banking platforms, often with English options.

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