We have new a JLPT N3 grammar blog for you! Do you know the Japanese word 切る-kiru? It’s a verb meaning “to cut” – but it also has another meaning as a JLPT N3 grammar point.
In the video above, Nami-sensei shows us how to use the JLPT N3 grammar: 〜切る meaning, “to do completely; to do to the end”.
First watch the video above – and then review with this companion blog.
How to Use the JLPT N3 Grammar Point: 〜切る (kiru)
This Japanese grammar point is used at the end of a clause or phrase. As stated above, 〜切る (~kiru) means to do something completely, or to do something all the way/until the end.
The form is:
ます form verb, ます + 切る/切ります
Likewise, this can also be used in the negative: 切らない/切りません.
Let’s look at how to use it by examining some of Nami-sensei’s examples!
Example 1
kinou katta hon o ichinichi de yomi kirimashita.
I read the book I bought yesterday in one day.
In this example, Nami-sensei bought a brand new book – because she loves reading books!
And she read the whole book in 1 day – 1日で読み切りました。
So to conjugate: 読みます (to read – ます form) → 読みます + 切り
Past tense: 読み切りました
Quite straightforward! Let’s look at another example.
Example 2
takusan chuumon shita no de, zenbu tabe kiremasen deshita!
I ordered so much and wasn’t able to eat it all!
In this example from the Youtube video above, Nami-sensei ordered ramen – and she loves ramen!
However, she bit off more than she could chew, and couldn’t eat it all. 全部食べ切れませんでした。
Because 食べる is a group II verb, converting it to ます form involves just replacing the る ending. Remove ます and add 〜切る and you get 食べ切る.
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