Japanese fashion is popular worldwide. Many people visit Japan just to experience the unique culture of its clothing.
If you plan on visiting Japan and experiencing its fashions, you may want to know the Japanese words for clothing.
Below, you will learn the Japanese vocabulary for clothing by category from the lists below!
Clothing by category
Japanese | Pronunciation | English |
トップス | Toppusu | Tops |
シャツ | shatsu | Shirt |
Tシャツ | T-shatsu | T-shirt |
半袖 | Hansode | Short sleeve |
長袖 | Nagasode | Long sleeve |
ポロシャツ | Poroshatsu | Polo shirt |
タンクトップ | Tankutoppu | Tank top |
ニット | Nitto | Knit |
セーター | Se-ta- | Sweater |
スウェット | Suwetto | Sweatshirt |
パーカー | Pa-ka- | Parka / Hoodie |
カーディガン | Ka-digan | Cardigan |
Japanese | Pronunciation | English |
アウター | Auta- | Outwear |
ジャケット | Jaketto | Jacket |
ブルゾン | Buruzon | Blouson |
コート | Ko-to | Coat |
ダウン | Daun | Down jacket |
Japanese | Pronunciation | English |
ボトムス | Botomusu | Bottoms |
ズボン | Zubon | Pants |
パンツ | Pantsu | Pants / Underwear |
スカート | Suka-to | Skirt |
ジーンズ | Ji-nzu | Jeans |
レギュラー | Regura- | Regular |
スリム | Surimu | Slim |
スキニー | Sukini- | Skinny |
Japanese | Pronunciation | English |
インナー | Inna- | Innerwear |
下着 | Shitagi | Underwear |
靴下 | Kutsushita | Socks |
Japanese | Pronunciation | English |
シューズ | Shu-zu | Shoes |
靴 | Kutsu | Shoes |
皮靴 | Kawagutsu | Leather shoes |
スニーカー | Suni-ka- | Sneaker |
サンダル | Sandaru | Sandle |
スリッパ | Surippa | Slippers |
Japanese | Pronunciation | English |
アクセサリー | Akusesari- | Accessary |
帽子 | Boushi | Cap / Hat |
バッグ | Baggu | Bag |
スカーフ | Suka-fu | Scarf |
ベルト | Beruto | Belt |
サングラス | Sangurasu | Sunglass |
ネックレス | Nekkuresu | Necklace |
イヤリング | Iyaringu | Earring |
指輪 | Yubiwa | Ring |
時計 | Tokei | Watch |
Technical Terms
Japanese | Pronunciation | English |
サイズ | Saizu | Size |
ジャストサイズ | Jasuto saizu | Perfect size |
オーバーサイズ | O-ba-saizu | Oversized |
長さ | Nagasa | Length |
身丈 | Mitake | Body length |
身幅 | Mihaba | Body width |
肩幅 | Katahaba | Shoulder width |
袖丈 | Sodetake | Sleeve length |
After learning these vocabularies, you may also want to learn how to ask questions at a shop.
if you are interested in learning basic Japanese, check out our Short-term Intensive Japanese Course!