Monthly Cultural Activity: Halloween 2024 in Japan

Studying Japanese involves more than just textbook exercises—engaging with the language and culture in real-world contexts. This month, immerse yourself in the Halloween spirit on Thursday, October 31st, and explore how this festive occasion is celebrated in Japan. It’s a fantastic way to practice Japanese while experiencing a fusion of Western and Japanese Halloween traditions. Participating in cultural activities like these greatly supplement your studies at a Japanese language school.

Coto Academy is a Japanese language school located in Tokyo and Yokohama. With its small class sizes and flexible course schedule, we ensure the students find their community here in Japan and learn practical and useful daily-life Japanese by focusing on conversational practice.

Attend a Halloween Event or Festival

Where to Go

Look for Halloween-themed events in your area. Major cities like Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto often host large-scale Halloween festivals and parades. Some Japanese language schools also organize Halloween parties or events for their students.

What to Expect

These events usually feature costume parades, themed parties, and various entertainment activities.

Participate in a Costume Party

What to Do

Join or host a Halloween costume party. This is a great way to immerse yourself in the fun and practice your Japanese with fellow party-goers. Many Japanese language schools encourage students to participate in costume parties to practice conversational skills.

Language Focus

Practice using Halloween-related vocabulary and phrases.

Key Phrases:

  • どのコスチュームを選びましたか Dono kosuchūmu o erabimashita ka? – Which costume did you choose?
  • 楽しいパーティーでした! Tanoshii pātii deshita! – It was a fun party!

Enjoy Japanese Halloween Treats

What to Try

Japanese bakeries and stores often offer Halloween-themed treats such as パンプキンパイ pankukin pai (pumpkin pie), かぼちゃプリン kabocha purin (pumpkin pudding), and spooky-themed candies.

Language Focus

Learn vocabulary related to Halloween foods and practice ordering. Your Japanese language school may offer classes that explore seasonal vocabulary, which would be a perfect opportunity to learn about Halloween treats.

Key Phrases:

  • このハロウィンスイーツは何ですか Kono harowīn suītsu wa nan desu ka? – What is this Halloween sweet?
  • これを一つください。Kore o hitotsu kudasai. – I’d like one of these.
  • このハロウィン特集を見たことがありますか Kono harowīn tokushū o mita koto ga arimasu ka? – Have you seen this Halloween special?
  • どのアニメのハロウィンエピソードが好きですか Dono animē no harowīn episōdo ga sukidesu ka – Which Halloween episode of anime do you like?

Decorate Your Space with Japanese Halloween Decor

What to Do

Decorate your home or workspace with Halloween decorations available in Japanese stores. You can find items like ハロウィンのカボチャ harowīn no kabocha (Halloween pumpkins), おばけ obake (ghosts), and クモの巣 kumo no su (spider webs).

Key Phrases

  • ハロウィンの飾りを買いました Harowīn no kazari o kaimashita. – I bought Halloween decorations.
  • このデコレーションはどこで買いましたか? Kono dekōrēshon wa doko de kaimashita ka? – Where did you buy this decoration?

Learn and Use Halloween-Related Japanese Vocabulary


  • お化け (Obake) – Ghost
  • 魔女 (Majo) – Witch
  • かぼちゃ (Kabocha) – Pumpkin
  • ハロウィン (Harowīn) – Halloween
  • 仮装 (Kasō) – Costume

Practice Using Vocabulary

Incorporate these words into your conversations, social media posts, or during Halloween activities. A Japanese language school might offer special classes or workshops on seasonal vocabulary.

Tips for a Successful Halloween Experience

  • Embrace the Fusion: Enjoy how Japan blends Western Halloween traditions with local customs and practices.
  • Engage Actively: Participate in Halloween-themed activities and try to use Japanese as much as possible in your interactions.
  • Explore Local Customs: Observe how Halloween is celebrated in your local area and learn about any unique Japanese Halloween customs.

Celebrating Halloween in Japan is a unique way to enhance your Japanese language skills while enjoying a festive occasion. By attending Halloween events, trying themed treats, and using Halloween-related vocabulary, you’ll make the most of this cultural experience. Whether studying independently or at a Japanese language school, these activities will enrich your learning experience. Enjoy the festivities and enhance your Japanese studies with fun and engaging activities!

Happy Halloween and 楽しんでください (Tanoshinde kudasai) – Have fun!

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What are some common Halloween-themed treats in Japan?

Japanese bakeries offer special Halloween treats like pumpkin pie (パンプキンパイ), pumpkin pudding (かぼちゃプリン), and spooky-themed candies. You can use phrases like “このハロウィンスイーツは何ですか?” (What is this Halloween sweet?) to practice ordering.

What are some Japanese slang terms I can use during Halloween?

  • ハロパ (Haropa) – Short for Halloween Party. It’s a casual way to talk about Halloween events.
    Example: “今夜ハロパに行く?” (Imaya Haropa ni iku?) – “Are you attending the Halloween party tonight?”
  • コスハラ (Kosuhara) – Short for Costume Harassment. It refers to being pressured into wearing a costume.
    Example: “コスハラはやめて!” (Kosuhara wa yamete!) – “Stop pressuring me to dress up!”
  • トリハロ (Tori-Haro) – Shortened version of Trick-or-Treat.
    Example: “トリハロしてお菓子をもらおう!” (Tori-Haro shite okashi o moraō!) – “Let’s go trick-or-treating and get some candy!”

Check out other blogs on popular Japanese slang!

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