JLPT N2 Grammars: Top 20 to Know (Part 2)

Enjoyed our previous blog on 20 JLPT N2 Grammars?

In this blog, we share with you 20 MORE that will help you with your JLPT N2 revision! Without further ado, let’s dive in.

Here is the list of the 20 JLPT N2 grammar points:

jlpt n2 grammar point からすると

Grammar Point 1: からすると Karasuruto

This grammar point is used to infer something based on another. It can be used with nouns only. 

jlpt n2 grammar point といえば

Grammar Point 2: といえば Toieba

This grammar point means ‘Speaking of…’ and is used when talking about a certain topic. It can be used with nouns. 

jlpt n2 grammar point にもかかわらず

Grammar Point 3: にもかかわらず Ni mo kakawarazu

This grammar point means ‘although’, ‘in spite of’, ‘nevertheless’ or ‘although. It can be used by combining with verbs, い-adjectives, な-adjectives, and nouns. 

jlpt n2 grammar point もしない

Grammar Point 4: もしない Moshinai

This grammar point means ‘without even doing’ something. It is used with verbs in Group 1, 2 and 3. Remember to remove the ます or します when combining with the verb! 

jlpt n2 grammar point をめぐって

Grammar Point 5: をめぐって O megutte

This grammar point means ‘concerning’ or ‘in regard to’, and is used when referring to something. It is used by combining with either nouns or verbs. 

jlpt n2 grammar point っこない

Grammar Point 6: っこない Kkonai

This grammar point means ‘no chance of’ or ‘impossible’. It is used with verbs with a ます-stem. Be sure to remove the ます when combining with the verb! 

jlpt n2 grammar point というものは

Grammar Point 7: というものは Toiumono wa

This grammar point is used to express the universal behavior on a certain topic. It is usually used to talk about a general idea or objective fact. It can be used by combining with nouns. 

jlpt n2 grammar point はさておき

Grammar Point 8: はさておき Wa sateoki

This grammar point is used to ‘set aside’ something. It can be used by combining with nouns. 

jlpt n2 grammar point はもとより

Grammar Point 9: はもとより Wa motoyori

This grammar point means ‘let alone’ or ‘also’. It can be used by placing it in between 2 nouns. 

jlpt n2 grammar point 以上

Grammar Point 10: 以上 Ijou

This grammar point means ‘because’ or ‘now that’. It is used by combining either with a verb or noun. When added to a noun, be sure to include である before 以上, so it becomes (Noun)である以上. 

jlpt n2 grammar point 折に

Grammar Point 11: 折に Orini

This grammar point means ‘when’ or ‘at the time’. It can be used by combining with casual verbs or nouns. 

jlpt n2 grammar point からして

Grammar Point 12: からして Karashite

This grammar point expresses when you are inferring something ‘judging from’ or ‘based on’ something. It can be used by combining with nouns. 

jlpt n2 grammar point 次第

Grammar Point 13: 次第 Shidai

This grammar point means ‘as soon as possible’ and can be combined with verbs with a ます-stem. Be sure to remove the ます at the back! 

jlpt n2 grammar point ずにはいられない

Grammar Point 14: ずにはいられない Zuni wa irarenai

This grammar point means ‘can’t help but’. It is used by combining with verbs with a ない-stem. When adding this grammar point to the verb, be sure to remove the ない at the back! 

jlpt n2 grammar point 限り

Grammar Point 15: 限り Kagiri

This grammar point means ‘as long as‘. It can be used by combining it with either a verb or a noun. When added to a noun, be sure to include である or でない before 限り, so it becomes (Noun)である/でない限り. 

jlpt n2 grammar point ないものか

Grammar Point 16: ないものか Naimonoka

This grammar point means ‘Can’t we…?’ or ‘Can’t I…?’ and is a particle used in questions. It can be used by combining with verbs with a ない-stem. 

jlpt n2 grammar point に先立って

Grammar Point 17: に先立って Ni sakidatte

This grammar point is used when you do something before another, or when something happens before another. It can be used by combining it with either nouns or verbs. 

jlpt n2 grammar point はともかく

Grammar Point 18: はともかく Wa tomokaku

This grammar point means ‘whether or not’ or ‘nevermind’, and can be combined with nouns. 

jlpt n2 grammar point あまり

Grammar Point 19: あまり Amari

This grammar point means ‘so much… that’. It can be used by combining with either verbs or nouns. When added to a noun, be sure to include の after the noun, so it becomes (Noun)のあまり. 

jlpt n2 grammar point 得ない

Grammar Point 20: 得ない Enai

This grammar point expresses something that is impossible to be done. It is used by combining with verbs with a ます-stem. Be sure to remove the ます at the back when adding this grammar point to the verb!

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