“3…2…1! Annnnd it’s finally 2019!” Or so it would have went weeks back. With the brand new year upon us, have you made your New Year’s Resolution yet? What is it? Is learning Japanese on the top of your list? Well, no worries as we’d be glad to help you out with achieving it!
Tips on Studying Japanese
Preparing for JLPT
Coming to Study in Japan
Useful Apps & Games
Tips on Studying Japanese
Learning Japanese can certainly be a tough cookie if you lack prior knowledge in learning similar languages such as Chinese and Korean. But don’t let that put you down!
Before you go onto studying Japanese, write down a list of things that you’d like to achieve! For example, set targets for yourself: “I’d like to memorise 10 Kanji Characters by the end of the Week”. From there, test yourself on the deadline set to see if you did indeed meet the initial target you set for yourself. With all that hard work and effort put in, you are sure to become a pro at Japanese in no time!
Alternatively, you can also try out these Quizzes for yourself and let us know how well you’ve fared!
Preparing for JLPT
After putting in all that hard work and effort in learning Japanese, it may finally be time for you to take on the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, otherwise known as JLPT. The test comes in 5 levels namely, N1, N2, N3, N4 and N5. When compared, N5 would be the easiest whereas N1 would be the most difficult. As for the test components, it is mainly made up of Listening, Grammar/Vocabulary and Reading.
If you’d like to find out more on how you can better prepare yourself for the N3 or N2 examinations, try heading down to any one of the blog posts below!
Throughout the year, you may register with any host institution across the globe to take the test. Do take note, however, that there are only 2 tests being held throughout a year with one being in the mid-year whereas the other being held during the year-end. Nevertheless, do keep a lookout for the JLPT official website to keep yourself up to date with the dates! Pssst, make sure you are on time for the tests!
If you are planning to take the test from an overseas institute outside of Japan, here’s a list of host institutions that may be of interest to you!
Coming to Study in Japan
Studying in Japanese in Japan definitely comes with its own set of benefits. From being able to put what you have learnt to daily conversational use to even meeting other like-minded individuals.
However, there may be a ton of things for you to consider when coming to study Japanese in Japan. These can range from issues like accommodation, visa, transport and all sorts of stuff. If you’d like a rough overview of approximately how much would be spent across the span of 3 months in Japan, you can probably expect to spend about 7,000 to 8,000 USD.
For a more comprehensive breakdown on how we derived our figures, why not try heading down over here to find out more!
Useful Apps & Games
Besides spending all that time by your textbook, reading through notes and memorising, why not put all of those to good use! With so many Japanese Games out there these days, try getting your hands on any one of these to see if it would help you out! With dubs and subs available for Japanese dialogue, these can definitely come across as helpful if you’d like to pick up a Japanese word or two.
If learning Japanese through video games ain’t your cup of tea, fret not! There are a ton of resources and applications out there specifically designed to help you with your Japanese Learning! Moreover, these can all be done through your phone and on the go, how convenient is that!