Omoshiroi – 面白い – How to say "fun", "funny" or interesting in Japanese

Omoshiroi is a Japanese word that means many things. It can be used to describe something as “Interesting, Amusing, Fascinating, Funny, Enjoyable, Entertaining, Fun” and more!
The Kanji for Omoshiroi is 面白い and Omoshiroi written in Hiragana is おもしろい.
Omoshiroi is an I adjective, and it’s a JLPT N5 Level Vocabulary word – so chances are, you will encounter it very early in your Japanese learning.

Example Sentences using Omoshiroi (面白い)

Omoshiroi is primarily used to either mean Interesting or funny.
It’s hard to describe exactly how you draw the line between when and how to use it. In English, it would be similar to someone telling you, “You’re interesting.” This phrase could mean several things depending on the tone of voice you use.
Omoshiroi in Japanese is very similar – depending on the tone of voice that you are using, it can change the meaning of the sentence entirely.

  • その本は面白いと思います。
  • sono hon wa omoshiroi to omoimasu
  • I think that book is interesting.
  • トランプはとても面白い
  • Toranpu ha tottemo omoshiroi
  • Playing cards is very fun!
  • あなたは面白い人です。
  • Anata wa omoshiroi hito desu
  • You are a funny person.
  • ピアノを弾くことは面白い
  • Piano wo hiku koto wa omoshiroi
  • Playing the piano is fun
  • そのアニメはとても面白いです。
  • Sono anime wa tottemo omoshiroidesu.
  • That anime is very interesting

When NOT to use Omoshiroi

One important thing to note is that you should not use it to describe tragic events. Just like when speaking English, there is a time and a place for certain words. Describing an unfortunate situation or a tragic event with this word could be seen as very rude or strange.
Friend 1: “Did you see a large fire in an apartment building?”
Friend 2: “That’s funny!” <—- See how this is inappropriate?
So, for example, you would not say that a very sad movie is Omoshiroi. You could—and some people do—but you really have to know how to use the word appropriately to avoid creating uncomfortable situations for the people with whom you are speaking Japanese.
For a general rule of thumb, think of it as a word meant to describe interesting, amusing, entertaining, and fun things.
So, for interesting things with a sad or bad component, skip it!

You Might Be Wondering…

How do you use "omoshiroi" in a sentence?

Here are some examples:

  • Fun: この映画はおもしろい。 (Kono eiga wa omoshiroi.) – This movie is fun.
  • Funny: あの人のジョークはおもしろい。 (Ano hito no jōku wa omoshiroi.) – That person’s jokes are funny.
  • Interesting: この本はおもしろい。 (Kono hon wa omoshiroi.) – This book is interesting.

Is there a difference between "omoshiroi" and "tanoshii" (楽しい)?

While both “omoshiroi” and “tanoshii” can be used to express enjoyment, there is a subtle difference:

  • Omoshiroi: Emphasizes the quality of being interesting or entertaining.
  • Tanoshii: Emphasizes the feeling of happiness or pleasure.

Are there other words for "fun" or "interesting" in Japanese?

Yes, there are other words that can be used depending on the context:

  • Exciting: 興奮する (kōfun suru)
  • Hilarious: 腹を抱えて笑う (hara o kakaete warau)
  • Fascinating: 魅惑的 (miwakuteki)

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