Ready to ace your next JLPT exam? Our JLPT Prep Courses provide full-year JLPT courses and last-minute crash courses: 3-month or 6-month courses for both in-person and online! Check this blog to sign up and learn more about the course information!
Want to learn Japanese online anytime and anywhere? Coto Online is here for you. It provides 60+ courses (JLPT, grammar, and conversational practices) for you to choose from. All courses are available for both group and private lessons.
きっかけ (Kikkake) – The reason for starting something / “the story behind it” 日本語はこちら “Kikkake” can be defined as “a reason or incentive for why you started doing something”. For a personal example, I am a huge fan of soccer and my reason (Kikkake) for becoming such a big fan originated during the 2000 Sydney […]
This is an older post – to see our upcoming monthly events – click here Monthly Events Every month we hold cultural and social events for our students and their friends to discover more about Japanese culture, meet new friends and practice Japanese. We are looking forward to seeing you there! Events List Hanami Party […]